Télécharger Ebook Dirty Rendezvous, by Chas Ray Krider
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Dirty Rendezvous, by Chas Ray Krider
Télécharger Ebook Dirty Rendezvous, by Chas Ray Krider
Maintenant bienvenue, l'un des livre aujourd'hui le plus inspirant d'un auteur vraiment expert sur la planète, Dirty Rendezvous, By Chas Ray Krider C'est le guide que beaucoup de gens qui attendent dans le monde entier pour publier. Après la publication de cette révélé, les fans de livres sont réellement intéressés à voir exactement comment ce livre est en réalité. Êtes-vous un d'entre eux? C'est vraiment correct. Vous ne pouvez pas le regret actuellement chercher ce livre à lire.
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Détails sur le produit
Relié: 192 pages
Editeur : Goliath; Édition : Multilingual (1 avril 2014)
Langue : Anglais, Allemand, Français, Espagnol, Italien
ISBN-10: 3936709653
ISBN-13: 978-3936709650
Dimensions du produit:
17,8 x 2,5 x 25,4 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
5.0 étoiles sur 5
1 commentaire client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
50.377 en Livres anglais et étrangers (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres anglais et étrangers)
j'ai adolré si vos aimez les bas érotiques ce livre est fait pour vous. asolem magniique et extra je le recomande
The photographs in this book are exceptionally well done - probably the best collection of Krider's work I've seen thus far. With only a couple of exceptions (not crazy about tons of tattoos), the ladies posing are gorgeous, very retro, and the photos, lighting, and sets are all fantastic. The photos are reproduced vividly, and I would highly recommend this one if you're into retro kink or just seeing beautiful ladies looking great in retro seedy locations - the book is very similar in content to "Motel Fetish."Having said that, the only thing that keeps this from getting five stars is Goliath Publishing. The book's format is odd - it's about 7x10" and around an inch thick. The covers, typical of Goliath books, are some sort of cardboard/stiff stuff with a slight bit of padding on them - very odd and not at all sure this stuff will hold up without cracking long-term. Also, as with other Goliath books, the paper itself is extremely thick - darn near card-stock thick, which makes the book rather awkward to look at - the pages don't have hardly any "flex" to them. Lastly, due to these hard pages (I'm in the publishing business myself), you run into printing problems, and the book I received had a couple of minor issues where there were spots on some of the photos from the printing ink simply not getting a good impression - I can overlook that because I understand it's just part of the process, but if this were printed the way Taschen and Schiffer print books, none of these factors would've been an issue. I do not understand why Goliath consistently chooses to print books in an odd fashion and in odd formats.STILL, the photographs are spectacular and the camera work is extremely impressive, so if you're a fan or enthusiast of erotic photography, you'll like this one and you'll get some ideas from it. Again, would recommend this one, it'll be highly sought after once it goes on the secondary market.
Good, but not as good as Motel Fetish. Lot of sexy pictures, but I would like to see more vintage lingerie like in Motel Fetish.
Imagine a Playboy photohoot occurring simultaneously with the filming of The Shining...
A bit boring
Love this book. Great item.
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